Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ten Little Known Ways to Bond With Your Boys (Despite Your Busy Schedule)

When you're busy, it can be tough to bond with your kids, especially your boys, in their early years. When we arrive home we're tired and we just want to eat, rest and sleep. With whatever time we have at home outside of eating and sleeping, there are other stuff we need to do as well: bond with your wife, fix the plumbing, install a frame, etc.

So, how on earth can we bond well with our boys who model us (whether we like it or not)?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="This is what my son did with his lego pieces one day. I'm proud of it, and he knows it. This photo is the evidence of that. This photo is our bond."]This is what my son did with his lego pieces one day. Im proud of it, and he knows it. This photo is the evidence of that. This photo is our bond.[/caption]

Taken largely from my own experience (and I hope you share yours too here), let me share some of the ways I bond with my five-year old son:

1. Go to the Barber Shop together

Having your hair cut is something you do, busy or otherwise, right? Do so with your son! He too needs a haircut anyway, so why not take him along with you.

2. Take your son with you in doing your errands

At nights sometimes you need to go out to buy something: buy bread, buy phone credits (aka "Load"), etc. Take your son along with you. Do so on weekends as well.

3. Talk to your son, even while he sleeps

There can be times when you go home late at night and everyone's asleep. Tell your son, "Sleep tight, my big boy." Something tells me that everytime I do it, my son hears it in his sleep.

4. Appreciate your son's drawings

This doesn't take a lot of time. Just say, "Wow!" or "Great drawing" or "Hey, what is this son?" Just show a-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n, no matter how fleeting. Do this while having dinner, or while resting in the living room, etc.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My Wife and My Son, Plus Chocolate Muffins. Photos like this immortalize candid moments and constitute a bond between you, your son and that candid moment."]My Wife and My Son, Plus Chocolate Muffins. Photos like this immortalizes candid moments and constitutes a bond between you, your son and that candid moment.[/caption]

5. Take photos of your son's lego or building blocks

They can appear to be clutters on the floor to you, but to your son they are master pieces. And the shape may no longer be there the next minute. Savor the moment by taking a snapshot of it using your phone camera. Aiming and clicking take only seconds.

6. Take photos of you and your son together!

Again, this doesn't take a lot of time! Make sure you're smiling in the photos. Your son may be aged 50 someday, and he would still tell stories about this photo.

7. Exercise with your son

Once a week, or once a month, just do it! You too need the exercise anyway. Forget those gyms for a while. Do your exercises with your son. You get to exercise. He gets to exercise. You and your son bond together. That's the ultimate 3-in-1.

8. Tell happy stories about your son to your friends

Imagine your friends telling your son, "Your Dad is very proud of you." Hearing that from a third party can be much more powerful that you telling your son, "I am proud of you."

Hey, you can be long gone from earth and your friends can still continue being your mouthpieces for your son.

9. Bring home something for your son

What does your son like? Chocolate muffins? Toys? Bring home one with you periodically. Not everyday, just periodically. Through your action you tell your son, "I think of you even when I'm out there working."

10. Bang fists with your son

When something really amuses you, bang fists with your son. Fathers and sons do that in the movies. You can do it too. It's a great way to bond, man-to-man.


Alright, thats my list of little known ways to bond with your son.

How does your list look like?

May your son model you rightly.


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